11.-Ommaball-Oliff-Iremonger-copyWhere: Grandmother’s Great Room


Grandmother was born in this room, and shortly after, the great marble mantelpiece, her birth object, was shoved in with her. The mantelpiece shelf was supported by two caryatids, full of bosom they were. During Grandmother’s long, long life she had never left the room, never once.

It seemed to me that Grandmother was long at war with her mantelpiece, it was always youthful, always beautiful. Grandmother had been a child looking up to that great thing, playing around it, dressing like it, and, with the aid of a step ladder, arranging things upon its shelf, then Grandmother had grown up and had married Grandfather, and then Grandfather visited and I do think then that there were moments when Grandmother was very jealous of her caryatids, that their voluptuousness mocked her, for she was always so thin, Grandmother, flat-chested, narrow of waist, and all bone. Grandmother, day by day, had grown old and had grown frail and had shrunken but those marble girls were still as big and powerful and so rounded and she stooped and brittled and took her teeth out and hurt here and there with her aging.

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