17.-Tummis-Iremonger-copyWhere: Cousin Tummis’ Room

Who:  The Indifferent Student  TUMMIS IREMONGER

My cousin Tummis was very tall and very thin. Tummis always had Hilary Evelyn Ward-Jackson about him, which was a tap, a tap that would not be out of place in a bathtub, it had a small enamel disc in the centre of its tap-wheel inscribed with an H for HOT. It was a very fine object and had had a profound effect upon Tummis because the dear fellow did leak a lot and there was very often a drop of liquid snot hanging from his nose, that drop had such a long way to fall, all the length of Tummis, it must have been quite dead before it hit the ground. He was quite a sensitive fellow Tummis was and very concerned for a great many things. He had yellowish hair, it always looked rather uncertain as if it hadn’t quite made up its mind to be hair yet and thought it might really be a cloud, of methane say, it was so very thin, you could see his skull beneath it, and despite his only seventeen years it was so fair as almost to be white.

Tummis loved animals, he loved all the animals that were so numerous about the house, cockroach or rat or bat or cat or blat, and he collected them, he brought them into his rooms.

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