The extremely kind people at Waterstones Piccadilly have let me graffiti their shop. There are (or will be) two Clods inside. This one I drew for them one coffee-filled morning. And this one who will up in their gallery sometime soon.
The extremely kind people at Waterstones Piccadilly have let me graffiti their shop. There are (or will be) two Clods inside. This one I drew for them one coffee-filled morning. And this one who will up in their gallery sometime soon.
Last year when HEAP HOUSE was published in UK the fantastic bookshop Mr B’s were incredibly generous and had an Iremonger window display, this year with the release of FOULSHAM they’ve shown the same extraordinary support. I can’t believe how kind they’ve been. Thank you so much Emma and everyone at Mr B’s.
When I was back in England a couple of weeks ago I recorded a program with BBC Radio 4 called Inheritance Books. I talked about Alan Garner’s dark masterpiece THE WEIRDSTONE OF BRISINGAMEN which I was obsessed/terrified/inspired by as a child, and also the brilliant translation by Tiina Nunnally of Hans Christian Andersen’s FAIRY TALES,… Read more »
I’m so thrilled to be in issue 21 of A PUBLIC SPACE Inside it I’m talking about a book I can’t quite seem to get right but will go back to soon. It’s set in Paris at the end of Enlightenment, through the French Revolution and into the Terror. The central character is a diminutive… Read more »