The Iremongers had an exhibition in Milan and will also be shown again in Turin later this year. This is the cover of the catalogue.
The Iremongers had an exhibition in Milan and will also be shown again in Turin later this year. This is the cover of the catalogue.
Catching up again… Was launched at Uncommon Objects in Austin, with the very brilliant Pascal Simon of Bake Austin baking Parliament. This is a cake, and we ate it.
For the book launch of Heap House the ever brilliant Pascal Simon of Bake Austin made an incredible Heap House cake. For Foulsham’s launch, Pascal dreamt up this absolutely delicious recipe for Forlichingham Pie which features in the book. Pascal’s pie was gobbled up with great gusto and gone in seconds. After it had gone… Read more »
Here I am with Pascal Simon and the incredible cake she made for the Book People launch of Heap house. And here are some pictures of her creating it. And here, much reduced.
Tonight I’m doing a reading at Book People in Austin where there’ll be cake. The really amazing Pascal Simon of Bake Austin made this: into this (not quite finished):
I’m really delighted to be a part of this exhibition in London, sorry not to have been able to attend. It’ll be in Oxford too later in the year.
At Edinburgh the very great Philip Ardagh introduced me and quizzed me about Heap House and Foulsham. Philip was incredibly generous and supportive, he is the most wonderful fellow, with a very fine beard. I love his books too, especially the Eddie Dickens Trilogy. I brought some birth objects with me to give away, each… Read more »
At the Edinburgh Book Festival I was on a panel with the brilliant writers Nathan Filer and Matthew Quick. Their two extraordinary novels, Nathan’s THE SHOCK OF THE FALL and Matthew’s THE GOOD LUCK OF RIGHT NOW deal very directly with voices in the head. It was an enormous privilege hearing them talk and being… Read more »
The extremely kind people at Waterstones Piccadilly have let me graffiti their shop. There are (or will be) two Clods inside. This one I drew for them one coffee-filled morning. And this one who will up in their gallery sometime soon.
When I was back in England a couple of weeks ago I recorded a program with BBC Radio 4 called Inheritance Books. I talked about Alan Garner’s dark masterpiece THE WEIRDSTONE OF BRISINGAMEN which I was obsessed/terrified/inspired by as a child, and also the brilliant translation by Tiina Nunnally of Hans Christian Andersen’s FAIRY TALES,… Read more »